Ramayana – The upcoming Hindi epic film of Bollywood. The film was directed by Nitesh Tiwari and based on Valmiki Ramayana. It’s star cast of the film Ranbir Kapoor who plays a dual character of Ram and Parashuram. Sai Pallavi as Sita, Yash as Ravan, and Sunny Deol as Hanuman. The producer of the film Namit Malhotra and Yash with an estimated budget of 835 crore.
Director: Nitesh Tiwari (Dangal, Chhichhore)
Screenplay: Shridhar Raghavan (Pathaan, War)
Based on: Ramayana by Sage Valmiki
Producers: Namit Malhotra and Yash
Production Companies: Prime Focus Studios, Monster Mind Creations
Release Date: 6 November 2026
Language: Hindi
Country: India
Budget: ₹835 crore (estimated)
3 thoughts on “Ramayana: Part 1 (film) 2026”
“Can’t wait for the release of this movie! The cast, the storyline, and the overall vibe look absolutely promising. It feels like this one is going to be a cinematic experience to remember. Wishing the team all the best—let’s make this a blockbuster!”
“This film looks like it has all the ingredients for a masterpiece—stellar cast, engaging plot, and incredible direction. Wishing the entire team huge success!”
“The teasers have left me wanting more! The concept seems so intriguing, and I can’t wait to see how the story unfolds on the big screen. Counting down the days!”
“Can’t wait for the release of this movie! The cast, the storyline, and the overall vibe look absolutely promising. It feels like this one is going to be a cinematic experience to remember. Wishing the team all the best—let’s make this a blockbuster!”
“This film looks like it has all the ingredients for a masterpiece—stellar cast, engaging plot, and incredible direction. Wishing the entire team huge success!”
“The teasers have left me wanting more! The concept seems so intriguing, and I can’t wait to see how the story unfolds on the big screen. Counting down the days!”